Unsecured Instant Business Overdraft
Protect your business from exigencies
Unsecured Instant Business Overdraft is an Overdraft facility with minimal documentation only basis Banking Transactions with no financial documents requirement. This is an unsecured facility and thus there is no collateral requirement.
This is a credit limit which is set up in your current account for business purposes. You can withdraw money from the current account to the extent of limit sanctioned. Overdraft is the most efficient form of borrowing, as interest would be levied only on the amount utilised for the corresponding period. This gives you the flexibility of depositing money into the account, to reduce the outstanding balance or draw more as per your business needs. Interest is calculated on daily basis on fluctuating outstanding balance and would usually be charged on end of the month..

- Overdraft up to Rs. 25 Lakhs
- Lowest Rate of Interest of approximately 16%
- Pay Interest only on the utilised amounts
- 100% Paperless processing with Minimal documentation
- Almost Instant Sanction & Disbursement
- No Collateral required
- No commitment charges
- No Pre-Payment or ForeClosure charges
Eligibility Criteria & Documents Required:
- Business vintage : 2 years & above
- Business entity profile : Should be Trader, Manufacturer Or Retailer
- Estimated Annual Turnover = More than 20 lacs
- Availability of latest 12 month bank statement (in PDF format)
- Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, Private Limited Company and Public Limited Company are allowed to avail Overdraft