Suppy Chain Financing
Invoice Financing
Supply Chain Finance is a Short-Term Working Capital finance meant for Dealers/ Suppliers/ Distributors ("Spoke") having business relationships with Large & Mid-Size Corporates ("Anchor") to optimise working capital requirements of both Spoke & Anchor. These are basis all transactions linked to a base document (Invoice) between the Anchor & the Spoke.
Eligibility Criteria
MudraCircle has kept the eligibility requirements to the bare essentials in order to process business loans faster.
- 3 Years of business vintage
- Applicant & Co-applicant- KYC
- One year bank statement
- last three year's of ITR
Documents Required
We do not require too many documents or unnecessary paperwork that can hold-up the loan approval process
- KYC- Pan card, Adhar Card
- One year bank statement PDF
- Vintage proof -Gumasta, Udyog adhar
- House proof- electricity bill
- Office proof- Rend agreement
- GST returen- latest one year
- GST certificate